Creating a multisite, multicampus active learning environment to enhance cross-campus teaching and learning engagement and collaboration.
Athens, OH
Cleveland, OH
Dublin, OH
Higher Education
Did You Know?
Read the Educause article by Jodie Penrod, Senior Director, Technology of OUHCOM: The Impact of Learning Space Design on Learner Experience and Collaboration
The Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine is a leader in training dedicated osteopathic primary care physicians who are prepared to address the most pervasive medical needs in the state and the nation. Over the last five years, the Heritage College expanded from a single campus to three campuses. With the use of video conferencing technology, enrollment nearly doubled, while faculty and staff increased by 15% and 16%, respectively. Even so, the Heritage College sought ways to better connect its faculty and student teams across its three campuses, while increasing student engagement.
Powering eight Active Learning Classrooms (ALCs), ThinkHub Education offers total flexibility to faculty, whether the space needs to be reconfigured for different on-site class sizes and class types, or if an instructor needs to teach to a fully remote or hybrid classroom of students. With the quality of the student experience as a top priority, ThinkHub Education software drives engagement and collaboration for an equal HyFlex classroom learning environment.
The three campus, one college environment is the key to our success — we are one all together — and T1V is the bridge that allows us to do that.
Jessica Makosky, Classroom Connectivity Support Manager, OUHCOM