Users now have the ability to control the viewport of their ThinkHub Groups. To do so, users can navigate to the Group Legend in the ThinkHub Menu, and select ‘edit view’ in the top right corner of the Group Legend Submenu. Then, the user can adjust the Canvas view, and select ‘save.’ To undo this view, the user can select ‘reset.’
The Group Legend is not only a way to jump from groups of content, but to navigate the massive Canvas and make presentations more fluid. By default, jumping to a Group from the Group Legend will center the content in the Canvas view. Now, users can optimize their Group content in a way that fits their presentation style best, with the ability to edit the Canvas view.
New to ThinkHub Room, users can now ‘pin’ their video conferencing app to a specific placement on the touchscreen glass. Not to be confused with pin to Canvas, which locks the asset onto a fixed position on the Canvas, the pin to glass functionality means you can navigate the ThinkHub Canvas while your video conferencing participants remain parked in a dedicated area.
Note: pin to glass is not available in ThinkHub Cloud or ThinkHub MultiSite.
Annotation Mode (the pen icon to the right of the arrow, in the top row of the Drawing Tools menu), now changes the background of the Canvas to provide a strong visual reference for users to know they are in annotate mode. Once they exit annotation mode, the Canvas background will revert to gridlines. If gridlines are turned off, the user will see the dots appear on the Canvas background when in annotation mode.
Users can now select from a library of ThinkHub Templates to kick off their collaborative work session. Current templates include: 4P Marketing Mix, Competitor Analysis, Daily Stand-up, Design Research, Disney Creative Strategy, Idea Funnel Backlog, Mad Sad Glad Retrospective, Perceptual Map, Product Positioning, Project Scope Template, Scenario Planning, SWOT Analysis, and RAID Log.
The Templates are crafted for collaborative team meetings at a high level, enhancing the speed at which users can collectively tackle business challenges.
Accessible through the ThinkHub Menu, users can tap ‘Help’ to open our new web-based Help page. This will open in the web browser window on the ThinkHub Canvas, and features quick-start product videos, access to the user guide, and links to the T1V Knowledge Base. This improvement to Help is designed to better educate the user on how to get started with ThinkHub.
Users have the option to customize the Help link, if they would prefer to direct the user to their own version of branded support content and/or support contact information. This can be completed with the customer’s T1V Project Manager during installation and/or during their onboarding sessions with T1V Customer Success.
Browser Bookmarks is a dedicated area to ‘bookmark’ your favorite or most-viewed websites. Available in the content menu, you can add any number of websites to your bookmarks tool.
Additionally, you can toggle on ‘auto-update’ to automatically refresh your web-based content (this feature is currently by request only). This is particularly helpful for dashboarding sessions, where teams are reviewing metrics across different web-based platforms. Now, you can add your web-based content, login to your account to see your data, and add to your ThinkHub Browser Bookmarks - this will ensure your content refreshes and stays current, without logging you out of the software.
This is especially useful in team or project rooms and executive offices, where teams are habitually reviewing the same data and tracking progress / updates across multiple websites.
Examples include: Google Drive, YouTube, Office 365, SmartSheets, PowerBI, Tableau, Box, Dropbox, Monday, Canva, JIRA, and more.
Users can now enjoy expanded touch functionality in their ThinkHub. When an object on the Canvas is in full screen mode, you can pinch the object to exit full screen.
We now have the ability to add room controls into your ThinkHub Menu, expanding ThinkHub’s role as the ‘Hub’ of all room activity. Examples include: lower/raise projector, turn projector on/off, activate ThinkHub Docks, etc...
Users can work with their T1V contact to map which room controls can be hosted on ThinkHub for easy, centralized access.
Available in the dropdown menu of video files shared on the ThinkHub Canvas, select ‘Autoloop’ to put the video in a looping cycle.
Available in the dropdown menu of video files shared on the ThinkHub Canvas, select ‘Autostart’ to automatically start the video when the Canvas is opened in the ThinkHub Room.
ThinkHub Cloud Canvases can now be automatically launched when a participant taps ‘Join’ from the ThinkHub Room meeting calendar. To link a Cloud Canvas to a ThinkHub Room meeting, the user will open the ‘Share’ section on their ThinkHub Cloud app. They will select the ‘Copy Link’ button in the bottom left of the ‘Share’ modal to copy the ThinkHub Cloud Canvas info to their desktop. They will then paste the info into their calendar meeting note in the notes / description section.
When the participant taps ‘join’ in the room - the ThinkHub Cloud Canvas and video conferencing will automatically launch. If the ThinkHub Room doesn’t have access to the ThinkHub Cloud Canvas, a request will be sent to all ThinkHub Cloud collaborators to grant permission for the Room to join.
[SOF-5191] [Docks] Dock annotations have been improved when docking content
T1V has updated its standard ThinkHub user interface featuring new artwork for the idle screen, an updated Canvas theme featuring a dark background, and refreshed iconography throughout the interface. The new look and feel is largely visual; there are no major shifts in overall layout and placement of key features and functions. The updates come primarily from user feedback and in an effort to more closely unify the user experience across the ThinkHub platform.
Users now have the ability to pause and resume their live web browser windows
in ThinkHub Room.
ThinkHub 5.0 now supports ThinkHub Cloud Send to Room, where T1V app users can create a ThinkHub Cloud Canvas and send to the ThinkHub Room. Enjoy total persistence from Cloud to Room and invite collaborators whether joining the session remotely or from the room. Simply enter the ThinkHub Room credentials, then select the ‘Send’ button in your ThinkHub Cloud UI.
T1V continues to deepen compatibility between ThinkHub Cloud and ThinkHub Room. With ThinkHub 5.0, the ThinkHub Room can be invited to a ThinkHub Cloud Canvas, and that Canvas will then be accessible on the ThinkHub Room device at any time.
To update your ThinkHub Room to ThinkHub 5.0, contact T1V Support at
Google Meet joins the ranks of Skype For Business, Webex, BlueJeans, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom as a natively integrated video conferencing platform within ThinkHub. Accessible in the ThinkHub Menu, users can join an existing Google Meet meeting or create a new Google Meet meeting entirely. Participants will be able to view the ThinkHub Canvas, while in-room ThinkHub users will be able to view remote participants’ screens and/or camera feed. Please contact your T1V Territory Manager for pricing.
With ThinkHub Sticky Notes, users can create up to six customizable notes that include specific note text, background color, and text color. Users can choose to keep the note text static or allow notes to be editable. ThinkHub Sticky Notes are an effective way to quickly add notes to the Canvas without having to retype often-used text.
ThinkHub now allows users to launch a specified session from the ThinkHub idle screen. Pressing the customizable button will start the session and immediately load the specified saved session saving you the time of having to open it from the menu.
ThinkHub has added an extra layer of security with ThinkHub Lockdown. Enabling the Lockdown toggle will temporarily block features such as T1V app, Canvas email, hardline inputs, and saving, guaranteeing no information from your session can be shared with other users.
Two new ThinkHub SmartGrid containers are now available in standard ThinkHub: 2x1 and 1x2. These SmartGrid layouts enable you to drag and drop content into the grid layout, which will then optimize the content in spacing and alignment. This is a powerful visualization and presentation tool.
TouchControl within ThinkHub now allows you to control a computer with two or more monitors as Hardline Inputs by sending mouse events to the connected monitors.
The ThinkHub Keyboard is now available in two additional languages: Swedish and German.
ThinkHub now offers improved PDF navigation with the support of PDF links. PDF links will take you to another location in your PDF document simply by clicking on the document link.
ThinkHub now allows students to virtually raise their hand on connected Student Stations to inform instructors that they want to contribute, have questions, or have completed their work without interrupting the class. Instructors will receive a notification on ThinkHub that a student’s hand is raised and then can dismiss the raised hand from the Instructor Station.
ThinkHub now has improved Canvas annotation performance. When drawing or erasing on the Canvas or within an application, there’s a noticeable improvement in drawing and erasing performance.
ThinkHub device feeds now have the option to “pin to glass” allowing you to navigate the Canvas without ever losing sight of the pinned device feed.
The browser application label will now populate the browser’s actual label while still allowing you to edit this field.
ThinkHub Scheduling is our newest feature update to ThinkHub, which makes it possible to host ThinkHub sessions entirely remotely - no one needs to launch the session from the physical touchscreen. ThinkHub Scheduling allows you to schedule a one-time or recurring meeting. ThinkHub will email all meeting participants a link to join the scheduled ThinkHub session via AirConnect Access prior to the start of the meeting.
ThinkHub Clock is now available in standard ThinkHub. The ThinkHub Clock features three main capabilities: Timer, Alarm, and Countdown. Use these applications to get more done while managing effective meetings and brainstorming sessions. You can also leverage the clock tool for design and sprint planning or lean innovation.
The ThinkHub Web Browser now features a built-in duplicate button, making it easy to duplicate a web browser URL on the Canvas. Use this feature to view multiple pages on a website at the same time, while your team adds notes.
Microsoft Teams joins the ranks of Skype For Business, Webex, BlueJeans and Zoom as a natively integrated video conferencing platform within ThinkHub. Accessible in the ThinkHub Menu, users can join an existing Teams meeting or create a new Teams meeting entirely. Participants will be able to view the ThinkHub Canvas, while in-room ThinkHub users will be able to view remote participants’ screens and / or camera feed. Please contact your T1V Territory Sales Manager for pricing.
The ThinkHub Contact Lookup feature has been optimized to increase the speed of searching your computer’s address book. In addition, the search feature has been improved to recall the top ten results as you enter each character.
We’ve improved the speed and performance of annotating on the Canvas and Applications, making your experience smoother than ever.
ThinkHub SmartGrids are now available in standard ThinkHub. Use SmartGrids to create Canvas layouts to view and present content in optimal sizing and alignment. Once the content is dragged into the SmartGrid drop zone, the content will expand to the max size of the grid. SmartGrids is part of the ThinkHub alignment tool set, designed to aid users in better organizing and visualizing content on the ThinkHub Canvas. Plus, it makes for a powerful presentation tool when utilizing ThinkHub or any variation of ThinkHub, like ThinkHub xCanvas, to present highly visual content to teams.
ThinkHub MultiSite now features built-in video conferencing, making your MultiSite meetings more seamless than ever. In addition to sharing a Canvas, MultiSite VC supports audio and video for ThinkHub MultiSite participants across up to ten connected locations at a time.
To enable MultiSite VC, current MultiSite customers can simply plug in a USB camera/microphone to their ThinkHub. When in the ThinkHub MultiSite session, participants can navigate to the Menu and toggle on ‘Videoconference Mode.’ Connected MultiSite VC participants will appear in a column on the right side of the Canvas.
ThinkHub MultiSite Sync is another feature developed for our MultiSite customer base, now enabling sites to ‘lead’ MultiSite sessions by inviting other locations to sync with their current view. This ensures that all MultiSite locations - up to ten at a time - can view and operate within the exact same area of the Canvas at the same time. Locations can switch who is the lead throughout the MultiSite session, and each location has the ability to control who is ‘Synced’ and who is not.
ThinkHub Agile Templates are now available for ThinkHub Agile users. Agile customers have the option to use T1V’s standard Agile templates, which include Feature, Story, Capability, Retrospective, and Theme, or to work with T1V to ‘design-your-own’ Agile templates to adhere to your team’s own workflow.
All Agile templates can integrate directly with Agile system of record software like CA Rally or JIRA. ThinkHub Agile users can upload/download CSV data files between their system of record software and ThinkHub, removing the need for someone to manually capture and update this information in two places.
With ThinkHub Groups, users can create groups and add individual content assets to those groups. Groups can contain notes, sketches, images, videos, browsers, PDFs, or any other content asset shared to the Canvas. Once a group is created, users have the ability to assign a theme (background and text color), and can control the way the group content is displayed (grid layout, spacing between assets, alignment, and more...). ThinkHub Groups are an effective way to manage and organize Canvas content, and help participants to visualize and categorize content in large team planning and brainstorming sessions.
For remote participants using AirConnect, you can now assign your notes to groups when sending notes to the Canvas. Simply select the group from the dropdown menu that will appear in the top right corner of the notes window.
In addition to English, ThinkHub now supports Simple Chinese. With this update, T1V will be able to support additional languages for its growing customer base. This is an add-on feature, please contact your T1V Rep for additional information.
The Virtual AV Matrix allows you to control an external Audio Video Matrix Switcher. Users now have the ability to simply drag and drop inputs and outputs to establish connections between their hardware throughout the room - this is done within the ThinkHub Menu. This is an add-on feature, please contact your T1V Rep for additional information.
AirConnect Files now supports Android. Users can share files to the Canvas from their Android device, including notes, URLs, and media files. You can also download a PDF of the Canvas or the entire ThinkHub Session to your Android device.
Video Conferencing in ThinkHub just got an enhancement with our new ‘Video Conference Mode.’ Accessible through the Menu, you can toggle this feature on and off. The feature is designed to maximize the user’s active workspace on the Canvas while running third party video conferencing software like Skype For Business, Zoom, Blue Jeans, and WebEx.
Turning VC Mode ‘on’ will relocate your VC application windows into a compact panel on the right side of the Canvas. Users can then drag and drop the VC application windows onto the Canvas. The VC application windows will remain persistent in the VC panel, so if one of the VC application windows is closed while on the Canvas, users will still be able to access the VC windows in the VC panel. This feature is included for all ThinkHub users with VC integrations.
ThinkHub xCanvas extends the ThinkHub experience beyond a single display to multiple displays dispersed throughout a room. Use the xCanvas to visualize and manipulate large amounts of data and content with your team. Toss content across the room from one display to another with touch gestures or via the AirConnect Access controls (available to in-room and remote participants on their mobile device).The xCanvas also features snap grids, so once a content asset is dragged to the drop zone, the asset will snap into place at that grid’s largest size and resolution.
For a more immersive ThinkHub experience, leverage the xCanvas to span all walls of your meeting room. The xCanvas can support up to 12 1080p displays or up to three 4K displays. Displays can be touch or non-touch; non-touch displays will be controlled solely via AirConnect Access. ThinkHub xCanvas is an add-on upgrade to our standard ThinkHub offering, please ask your T1V sales representative for additional information.
ViewHub now supports single touch interactions in our ViewHub Touch™ offering. Users can annotate, reconfigure the order of screens or app windows shared to the ViewHub Canvas, or open a sketch window. Through AirConnect, ViewHub Touch™ users have the ability to clear any annotations made on their shared device screen. ViewHub Touch™ is available at the same price point as our standard ViewHub offering, however touch display hardware is required.
ViewHub Touch™ is also now available for ThinkHub Connect™ active learning classrooms, giving Student Stations the added capability of being able to annotate on shared content and create sketches to share to the ThinkHub Instructor Station.
With ThinkHub Cloud Access you can collaborate without the use of a physical ThinkHub device. This cloud-based ThinkHub Canvas is designed to allow users to prep or setup ThinkHub sessions prior to live meetings or presentations from any mobile device or laptop. ThinkHub Cloud Access works with all AirConnect platforms: Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. ThinkHub Cloud Access is an add-on upgrade to our standard ThinkHub offering, please ask your T1V sales representative for additional information.
ThinkHub’s alignment tools just expanded to include ThinkHub Smart Guides™. Smart Guides™ provide visual cues to indicate size, spacing and alignment of objects on the Canvas. Use this tool to visualize content and organize in clean layouts.
Users can now search the ThinkHub Menu with a built-in search bar. The search feature allows users to quickly locate applications and Menu items. When a user starts typing in the search bar, ThinkHub will highlight all results within the Menu that includes the word or piece of the word included in the search entry. The search bar also has a built-in calculator so users can quickly enter in simple formulas and see the results.
The ThinkHub Canvas Tray can now be hidden to maximize the user’s active workspace. Tap the blue arrow at the top of the menu icon to hide the Canvas Tray, Canvas Key, and AirConnect credentials (located in the bottom, top left, and top right of the Canvas, respectively).
A new button called ‘Clear Annotations’ will allow the user to clear annotations made on their shared device screen (whether it’s shared to ThinkHub or ViewHub). Please note: this feature is only available if the ThinkHub/ViewHub device has been updated to release version 4.4.
AirConnect Access and AirConnect Files is now available for iOS. With AirConnect Access, users can connect, share, view, point, and control the ThinkHub Canvas. They can also download a PDF of the Canvas or the entire ThinkHub Session to their device. With AirConnect Files, users can share files to the Canvas from their iOS device, including notes, URLs, and media files.
AirConnect for Android now supports AirConnect Zoom, giving users the ability to pinch-zoom to control their view of the session from their Android device. This feature works differently depending on which mode of AirConnect Access the user is operating in. When in AirConnect View, this will change the AirConnect Access remote view - the in-room Canvas will not be affected. When in AirConnect Control, the user will be able to physically zoom in on areas of the Canvas for in-room participants to see.
In addition to video, ThinkHub now supports audio for all hardline inputs. ThinkHub supports multiple hardline input feeds with audio that can be muted while on the ThinkHub Canvas. Please note: this is available on dual and quad HLI add-ons. Please see your T1V sales representative for additional information.
ThinkHub MultiSite SMB supports real-time, room-to-room collaboration for up to 10 ThinkHub locations on different networks. The SMB edition of ThinkHub MultiSite was created for businesses with multiple offices or locations that operate on separate networks. Now, these locations can connect with one another through MultiSite SMB, which enables the ThinkHubs to communicate via a T1V cloud server. For those organizations that prefer to keep ThinkHub data on their own network, they still have the option to run ThinkHub MultiSite Enterprise edition within their own network server.
BlueJeans joins the ranks of Skype For Business, WebEx, and Zoom as a natively integrated feature in ThinkHub, accessible through the ThinkHub main navigation. Users may join an existing BlueJeans call or create a new one entirely. Participants will be able to view the ThinkHub Canvas, while in-room ThinkHub users will be able to view remote participants’ screen and/or camera feed. Please contact your T1V representative; a one-time setup fee applies.
ThinkHub Dock allows ThinkHub users to broadcast or ‘dock’ content on displays mounted around the room. You can dock individual pieces of content (images, videos, shared devices, PDFs, sketches, notes, etc...) or the entire Canvas. All content that is docked will stream in real time - so you can also make annotations, resize, or play live video or device streams. ThinkHub Dock currently supports up to two display docks at a time. This is an excellent way to reference content throughout a presentation or lesson, and provides audiences another way to digest information.
The ThinkHub Menu has been streamlined for quicker access points. ‘Media,’ ‘Devices,’ and ‘AirConnect’ have all been consolidated under ‘Content.’
Also, Sketch, Browser, and Note shortcut icons have been removed from the ThinkHub menu on all HD resolution screens (they will only appear in 4K resolution displays). Please note, these shortcuts are still accessible through the ThinkHub Tray at the bottom of the Canvas.
The Drawing Tools menu now floats on the exterior of the content window you are annotating on. This drawing toolset will automatically adjust its location based on where the content window appears on the Canvas.
Provides users the ability to move files directly between the ThinkHub Canvas and laptop/mobile devices. Users will also be able to save the ThinkHub session directly to their laptop or mobile device, allowing them to securely carry their ThinkHub session with them and resume the session on a different ThinkHub device without the use of a network/cloud server.
To share your session to the new ThinkHub device, simply drop the ThinkHub sessions file (.t1vx) to the Canvas via AirConnect Files.
AirConnect Access (which enables remote participants to connect, view, control, and virtually point) now supports up to 10 remote participants on standard ThinkHub and ViewHub; up to 50 remote participants on Pro or 4K ThinkHub and ViewHub solutions. With additional hardware support, AirConnect can be configured to support over 100 remote participants; contact your T1V representative for details.
Through the AirConnect Access menu, users can tap ‘Download Notes’ to download a CSV text file of all notes shared on the Canvas to their individual device. The Note’s label title and description text will be exported.
When users are in AirConnect Access and remotely viewing the ThinkHub Canvas, they now have the ability to pinch/zoom to control their view of the session. Users have the option to use the +/- buttons, the sliders, or their own device trackpad or device mouse.
This feature works differently depending on which mode of AirConnect Access the user is operating in. When in AirConnect View, this will change the AirConnect Access remote view - the in-room Canvas will not be affected. When in AirConnect Control, the user will be able to physically zoom in on areas of the Canvas for in-room participants to see.
AirConnect’s streaming speed for macOS now supports live device and video streams at 30 frames per second.
In addition to major new features, T1V continues to improve existing features and satisfy incoming customer feedback. Key highlights from ThinkHub 4.3 resolved issues include:
We’ve layered in additional functionality to our videoconferencing integrations, making your VC experience more seamless than ever.
Information: A new ‘Information’ button is available on all VC windows (Skype For Business, WebEx, Zoom, and BlueJeans) that provides instructions on how to start and create meetings on ThinkHub, including account information required to initiate meetings. This is completed upon configuration of your VC integration by T1V Support.
Now, ThinkHub can send content from the ThinkHub Canvas using a specified email address provided at configuration. This is useful for deployments where ThinkHub lives in someone’s personal office, a team space, or across different locations where an email address can be used to denote which location the content is being shared from.
AirConnect Files introduces the ability to exchange files between your individual device and the ThinkHub Canvas. Users can now share to and download from the Canvas with their AirConnect app. This functionality includes the exchange of Canvas notes, website URLs, and media files:
Users can create a note from the convenience of their device and send to the ThinkHub Canvas. Once shared to the Canvas, in-room participants can edit your notes - opting to change background colors to categorize ideas, changing the actual copy, or annotating on top of the note. This feature was designed for agile development and big room planning, and serves both in-room and remote participants who want to get their ideas to the Canvas with ease.
Within AirConnect, users can enter a URL to send to the ThinkHub Canvas. ThinkHub will then launch a Web Browser window with that URL. This is handy for lengthy URLs, or for any remote participants who want their team to view particular web content.
Users can send any media file (image, video, PDF) to the ThinkHub Canvas. Simply select a single file from the AirConnect window, drag and drop files into your AirConnect window, or drag and drop into the AirConnect Canvas view to share to the ThinkHub Canvas.
Similarly, users can download any media file from the Canvas to their device - making the exchange of files between team members and remote participants more seamless than ever. From the Airconnect app, right click on any media file (image, video, PDF) to download to your device. This includes snapshots, so you can download image copies of notes, sketches, and web browsers, too. AirConnect Files retains the original media file size and resolution; download times vary based on Internet connection.
AirConnect Files is currently available for all Mac and Windows devices.
AirConnect Access provides remote participants the same ThinkHub controls they would experience if they were in-room. ThinkHub 4.2 introduces significant layers of capabilities into AirConnect:
Introduced in our ThinkHub 4.1 release, AirConnect View allows users to view the digital Canvas on their Mac, Windows, or Android device via the AirConnect app. This feature is particularly useful for remote participants who can connect to and participate in meetings from any network in the world.
AirConnect Control provides remote participants the ability to control the ThinkHub Canvas just as they would if they were in the room. They can move content windows, pinch-zoom objects, pan to different areas of the Canvas, drag/drop media and devices to the Canvas, create notes and sketches...literally, total control from the convenience of your AirConnect-powered device. Equally beneficial to in-room teams who can now manipulate Canvas content from their seat.
Our solution to a digital pointer or highlighter, use AirConnect Point to direct your team’s attention to a particular area of the Canvas or a particular piece of content you’d like to review. This feature is especially useful to remote participants who aren’t able to physically point to something; they can now virtually point to ensure everyone is discussing the same content.
Also within AirConnect Access controls, users can download the entire Canvas as a PDF.
While AirConnect Access enables remote participants to fully engage in ThinkHub’s collaboration capabilities, we also understand there will be situations where the meeting organizer wants to limit who can view, control, and point in their ThinkHub session. Because of this, we created an AirConnect Access control panel, which allows the meeting organizer to control who has what level of access to the ThinkHub Canvas. In this control panel, in-room participants can also see who is connected to the session, and of those connected users, who is view-only and control/point-only. With the AirConnect credentials, remoteparticipants will always be able to view. But the in-room organizer can specify which remote participantscan control and point within a ThinkHub session.
Please note that all AirConnect Access features must be enabled on each ThinkHub device. Please contact your T1V representative to configure this feature set.
Our 4.2 release brings a higher-performance version of Stylus Mode (just released in 4.1). Enjoy are designed drawing tools menu, which allows you to configure settings for finger drawing vs stylus drawing. Users now have the ability to select different weights for different stylus options, and use these simultaneously.
Zoom joins the ranks of Skype For Business and WebEx as a natively integrated feature in ThinkHub, accessible through the ThinkHub main navigation. Users may join an existing Zoom call or create a new one entirely. Participants will be able to view the ThinkHub Canvas, while in-room ThinkHub users will be able to view remote participants’ screen and/or camera feed. Please contact your T1V representative; a one-time setup fee applies.
Connected devices are now available in the ThinkHub Menu, with the option to drag and drop from the ThinkHub Menu (in addition to its static location in the devices section of the tray). This means more access points to connected devices, so for our users with large, multipanel walls - you’re no longer tied to the device tray.
Canvas Key is now accessible in the ThinkHub Menu, giving users the ability to jump to certain areas of the Canvas from anywhere (not just the upper left corner of the screen).
Our new and improved keyboard layout makes it easier to shift and access all keys in one view (we’ve removed the ‘pop-out’ keyboard). We’ve also increased the keyboard buffer size, so that users can more easily drag and relocate the keyboard position on the Canvas.
Enjoy a static location for easy access to your Canvas drawing tools, now located on the left side of the interface.
In addition to major new features, T1V continues to improve existing features and satisfy incoming customer feedback. Key highlights from ThinkHub 4.2 bug fixes include:
Allows users to view the digital Canvas on their Mac, Windows, or Android device via the AirConnect app. This feature is particularly useful for remote participants who can connect to and participate in meetings from any network in the world. Note that the AirConnect View feature must be enabled on each ThinkHub device. Please contact your T1V representative to configure this.
In Stylus Mode, ThinkHub can immediately distinguish between a finger touch and a stylus touch. With their finger, ThinkHub users can move objects around the Canvas. With a stylus, ThinkHub users can write and annotate on the Canvas. Because ThinkHub recognizes the difference between these two touch events, users can more quickly operate between these two actions. What’s more, Stylus Mode also enables the user to erase annotations by creating a fist with their hand, and moving the backside of their fist in circular motion to erase writing on the interactive Canvas. Users may also use any touch screen eraser to erase annotations on the Canvas. This feature can be toggled on/off in the ThinkHub Menu. Please contact your T1V representative to configure this feature, applies to T1V qualified touchscreens only.
Skype for Business and WebEx are now a natively integrated feature in ThinkHub, accessible through the ThinkHub main navigation. Users may join an existing SFB/WebEx call or create a new one entirely. Participants will be able to view the ThinkHub Canvas, while in-room ThinkHub users will be able to view remote participants’ screen and/or camera feed. Please contact your T1V representative, a one-time setup fee applies.
TouchControl™, which allows you to control your connected Mac and Windows laptop from the ThinkHub Canvas, was previously only available via the T1V AirConnect app. Now, TouchControl is available as a hardline input connected directly to your ThinkHub device.
ThinkHub now supports cropping of all images, Sketches, and Notes. So when working with these objects on the Canvas, the user can now zoom and crop content to focus on particular areas of interest.
ThinkHub now gives you the option to toggle your grid lines on or off. Access this feature in the Canvas submenu of the ThinkHub menu.
ThinkHub has a new assortment of Canvas themes to choose from. Access these options in the Canvas submenu of the ThinkHub menu.
The entire visual treatment of the digital Canvas has been updated given feedback received from current customers in the field, and includes new layers of features to support best practices in collaboration. There freshed ThinkHub UI features an updated background, icons, and layout to optimize the user’s ability to navigate the massive digital Canvas, connect media, and wirelessly share devices.
When a user approaches an idle ThinkHub, they’ll now be able to select from three shortcuts that will immediately launch them into quick actions: ‘Sketch’ (immediately launches a sketch window); ‘Present’ (shares AirConnect directions to wirelessly connect devices); and ‘Browse’ (launches a Web Browser window).
The latest release now enables calendar integration for all of your ThinkHub rooms, so you can see who has the room booked before you begin your ThinkHub sessions. Calendar integration is completed via your organization’s Outlook or Google Calendar, and details are completely configurable (so you can show as little or as much detail on the meetings as you prefer).
To make accessing our menu easier than ever, you can now unlock the menu from the bottom tray of the Canvas. The menu now features detachable submenus, so functions like Canvas drawing can now live as a persistent menu wherever you choose to drag and place the submenu. Other upgrades include a streamlined content window menu, the ability to control volume, to draw within Notes, to access your full media tray from the menu, and a built-in help button for a quick overview of features.
Users can now pin or unpin any content objects to the digital Canvas. When objects are in the pinned state, they cannot be moved from their fixed position on the Canvas. This is useful in situations whereby a user may want to group a series of objects together on a specific part of the Canvas and keep them from being individually moved.
TouchControl provides the ability to control users’ devices directly from the ThinkHub Canvas. This makes wirelessly connecting devices all the more powerful, so that once connected, users are no longer tethered to their devices. TouchControl is available for Mac and Windows as a built-in feature of T1V’s AirConnect app (free for all ThinkHub users).
The ThinkHub touchscreen goes to sleep after a prolonged period of inactivity. When a user touches the screen or connects a device via the AirConnect app, the display wakes up.
Allows users to view the digital Canvas on their Mac or Windows device via the AirConnect app. This feature is particularly useful for remote participants who can connect to and partake in meetings from any network in the world. Note that the AirConnect View feature must be enabled on each ThinkHub device. Please contact your T1V representative to configure this.
New in ThinkHub Cloud, enjoy the power of AI with our integrated AI Assistant. Select the Open AI / ChatGPT icon in the left menu, and use the Assistant to kick off a brainstorming session, conduct research, develop content ideas, and more.
Prompt the AI Assistant in the dedicated prompt text box, and the Assistant will generate text in the box below. Depending on the text supplied by the AI Assistant, you can either ‘Send to Canvas,’ which will send a single note with the AI content to the Canvas, or you can select ‘Split to Canvas,’ which will send multiple notes to the Canvas. These options depend on how the AI Assistant responds to your prompt.
The AI Assistant is a powerful tool to collaborate with your team and populate content to your shared ThinkHub Cloud Canvases.
Users who are in T1V App 5.5 and are connected to a ThinkHub 5.5 Room can now copy/paste their meeting URL into the ‘Send URL’ text box, which will then launch the video conference on the ThinkHub Room Canvas.
This method of starting the meeting can be done by a remote user, or anyone in the ThinkHub Room to launch the video conference from your app. This is useful for launching ad-hoc Zoom or MS Teams meetings where you want to patch a remote collaborator into your meeting, or if an external partner has scheduled a Zoom or Teams call that you want to join from your ThinkHub Room.
These enhancements include updated iconography that is more unified across ThinkHub Cloud and ThinkHub Room, improved casting performance for device sharing, and improved support for Canvases with large amounts of content.
T1V app now allows you to organize your ThinkHub Cloud Canvases in folders. Simply right click anywhere on the background of the Canvas list, and select ‘Create Folder.’ To move Canvases into the folder, you will select the Canvas, right click, select ‘cut’, double click the Canvas Folder, right click, select ‘Paste.’
Users now have the ability to select multiple ThinkHub Cloud Canvases and apply group changes to the selected Canvases. Once selected, click the three dots icon in the bottom right corner of a selected Canvas to delete, duplicate, or cut your selected Canvas group. If you select ‘cut,’ you can then right click and select ‘paste’ to drop Canvases in a Canvas folder.
Note: For Windows users, use control/click and shift/click to select Canvases. For Mac users, use command/click and shift/click.
Select the Question Mark Icon in the left navigation of your ThinkHub Cloud Canvas to open the all new Help page. From here, you have quick links to T1V app 5.5 content to help you get started.
Share My Screen
Now, when selecting ‘Share My Screen,’ T1V has streamlined the workflow to minimize the number of steps to share your screen to a ThinkHub Room.
Share My Screen - Auto Pause
When sharing your device screen (entire desktop view) while you are viewing the Canvas, T1V app will automatically pause your device feed to prevent the repeating “window within a window” effect. When you click off of the T1V app and interact with other applications on your device, the share feed will automatically resume the real-time device screen feed. You always have the option to manually pause / unpause your device screen share with the share menu.
T1V App Share Menu - Iconography Updates
We’ve updated our T1V app share menu iconography - this is the menu bar that appears at the top of your device screen when sharing content to a ThinkHub Room. Select the hamburger (three horizontal lines) at the far right, then check the shortcuts you’d like to add to your share menu.
ThinkHub Cloud - Follow Me Enhancements
We’ve expanded your ability to follow collaborators, along with the ability to request collaborators to follow you. These options are available when you click on the ‘Share’ button at the top of your Canvas. New to this lineup is the ability to follow the Room and ask the Room to follow you.
ThinkHub Cloud users have the ability to send their Canvas to the ThinkHub Room (“Send to Room”) - they now also have the ability to close the Canvas in the Room from their Cloud interface. This will appear as an option when you select the ThinkHub Room icon in the collaborators section at the top of your ThinkHub Cloud Canvas.
The T1V team has embedded quick feedback surveys throughout the ThinkHub Cloud experience - these will appear when you close a Canvas.
ThinkHub Cloud now has a sorting feature to help users find and navigate their Cloud Canvases. Users can sort by alphabetical order or most recently viewed.
We’ve improved the experience between ThinkHub Cloud and ThinkHub Room, specifically for large, multipanel walls. Now, the experience is better synced between ThinkHub Cloud to Room, where participants are all seeing the same content / area of the Canvas at the same time.
New to ThinkHub Cloud - enjoy freestanding text fields that can be placed anywhere on the Canvas. This is an alternative to the built-in Note app, and is designed as a quick tool to create a header for ThinkHub Groups or sections of the Canvas. You can resize and duplicate any text on the Canvas, and enjoy a full formatting toolset to edit font color and background color.
T1V app now gives enterprise administrators a single place to manage its users. Once an email domain is configured with T1V, your organization can register with T1V using SSO (single sign on) via your Identity Provider (MS O365, Google Workspace, Okta, etc…).
New to T1V app, you can now personalize your app integrations. You can hide our standard app integrations (Google Drive, MS O365, or YouTube) or you can add your own integrations. Simply jump into your App settings and paste the URL of the web-based tool you would like to access. This could be a specific folder in your Google Drive for quick access to logos, frequently used images, videos, copy, and more; content applications like Box, Dropbox, or Canva; or data tools like Tableau, SmartSheets, and Microsoft Power BI.
With Groups, users can create groups and add individual content assets to those groups. Groups can contain notes, sketches, images, videos, browsers, PDFs, or any other content asset shared to the Canvas. Groups are an effective way to manage and organize Canvas content, and help participants to visualize and categorize content in large team planning and brainstorming sessions.
Smart Guides provide visual cues to indicate size, spacing and alignment of objects on the Canvas. Use this tool to visualize content and organize in clean layouts.
Customize your ThinkHub Cloud Canvas background color and gridline color.
ThinkHub Cloud brings the full collaboration experience of ThinkHub to your Windows and Mac laptop. With ThinkHub Cloud, you can create Canvases, add content, and invite collaborators to meet and work together in real time. ThinkHub Cloud Canvases are saved automatically and offer a persistent digital workspace for hybrid teams to collaborate synchronously or asynchronously. Cloud Canvases can also be shared to ThinkHub Rooms and ThinkHub Huddles, supporting a hybrid team workflow.
ThinkHub Cloud is available in two membership options: Free (three Canvases) and Enterprise (Unlimited Canvases). To access your free ThinkHub Cloud membership, T1V app users simply need to register their account within the app, and will then unlock their free three ThinkHub Cloud Canvases.
All Canvas content and collaborators appear in real-time. See where fellow collaborators are in the Canvas, and co-browse file-based and web-based content together - including YouTube, Google Docs, Office 365, and more.
Add Canvas collaborators and specify their user permissions - choose from Editor, Viewer, or Meeting Only.
Send a ThinkHub Cloud Canvas to a ThinkHub Room for hybrid meetings. Enjoy total persistence from Cloud to Room, invite collaborators whether joining the session remotely or from the room. Simply enter the ThinkHub Room credentials, then select the ‘Connect’ button in your ThinkHub Cloud UI.
Annotate on the Canvas with your mouse or trackpad, with options to adjust pen weight and color palette of your annotations.
Users can change any Canvas theme to Light, Dark or Classic when selecting the Canvas name. Canvas names can also be renamed at any time.
Users can access their Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive and YouTube accounts natively from the ThinkHub Cloud Canvas. Once logged in to their respective accounts, users will be able to add their web content to the Cloud Canvas.
Users can share live content from their device screen - whether sharing the full screen view, specific applications, or device cameras. Each device will display as a preview thumbnail until clicking or dragging the thumbnail to share to the Canvas.
Meeting Sync enables the host to ‘lead’ a meeting by inviting participants to sync with their current view. This ensures all participants can view and operate within the same area of the Canvas at the same time.
Video conferencing enables users to work with their preferred applications. When participants join the instant meeting, the selected video conference application will automatically join the meeting. T1V App Instant Meetings supports Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet.
Instant Meetings allow users to quickly and easily collaborate with participants by launching a new or existing Canvas and adding your preferred video-conferencing. Multiple Canvases can be added to the Meeting by selecting the ‘Create New Canvas’ button.
The T1V app marks a complete UI / UX overhaul for the original AirConnect application - the personal device companion app that all T1V customers use to connect to their respective T1V solution (ThinkHub, HubVC, and Hub). The redesign features an all-new look and feel, along with a host of feature upgrades to optimize the user experience. Now, T1V users can connect and interact with content easier than ever.
T1V app users can now register their account with a business email address. Once registered, T1V users will receive in-app notifications and be able to access scheduled T1V meetings.
T1V app now features a new ‘Meetings’ tab, where app users can view all scheduled meetings. The user can single tap to join for quick access to their ThinkHub meeting, without the need to enter the Room Key or Pin.
To improve the collaboration experience for remote participants, T1V app features a dedicated annotation toolset built into the navigation menu.
T1V app now includes the ability to share your screen directly from the login screen. Users can also pause screen sharing from a new top-navigation that extends over the top of the user device for quick access. When shifting from viewing the Canvas and sharing your device screen, you can also choose to share a ‘snapshot’ of your device screen to the Canvas so as not to lose that content in your meeting workflow.
In the prior release version of T1V app (AirConnect), the application featured multiple app windows with different feature sets. AirConnect Access tools were housed in a separate pop-out menu, and enabled users the ability to view and control the Canvas. AirConnect Files tools (the ability to send Notes, URLs, and Files to the Canvas) were housed in a separate app window. Now, all of these features (and more!) have been consolidated to provide the user a more streamlined user interface in the T1V app. So in a single view, users can view and control the Canvas, while also sending content to the Canvas at the same time.
In addition to its standard palette, T1V app supports ‘Dark Mode,’ which uses a dark color scheme for users who find the inverted color palette is easier on the eyes and reduces eye strain.
We’ve improved the software video conference experience within all T1V solutions. Now, when a meeting invite includes the Hub room information and a video conference link, you can join both from the T1V app.
ThinkHub now allows students to virtually raise their hand on a connected Student Station using the T1V app to inform instructors that they want to contribute, have questions, or have completed their work without interrupting the class. Instructors will receive a notification that a student’s hand is raised and then can dismiss the raised hand from the ThinkHub Instructor Station.
AirConnect users can now register their app account with a business email address. As registered users, AC3 users will receive in-app notifications and be able to access scheduled Hub meetings.
AirConnect now features a new ‘Meetings’ tab, where AirConnect users can view all scheduled meetings. The user can single tap to join for quick access to their ThinkHub Session, without the need to have to enter any AirConnect Key or Password.
To improve the collaboration experience for remote participants, AirConnect users now have a dedicated annotation toolset built into their app navigation menu.
AirConnect now includes the ability to share your screen directly from the login screen. Users can also pause screen sharing from a new top-navigation that extends over the top of the user device for quick access. When shifting from viewing the Canvas and sharing your device screen, you can also choose to share a ‘snapshot’ of your device screen to the Canvas so as not to lose that content in your meeting workflow.
In the prior release version of AirConnect, the application featured multiple app windows with different feature sets. AirConnect Access tools were housed in a separate pop-out menu, and enabled users the ability to view and control the Canvas. AirConnect Files tools (the ability to send Notes, URLs, and Files to the Canvas) were housed in a separate app window. Now, all of these features (and more!) have been consolidated to provide the user a more streamlined user interface. So in a single view, users can view and control the Canvas, while also sending content to the Canvas at the same time.
In addition to its standard palette, AirConnect now supports ‘Dark Mode,’ which uses a dark color scheme for users who find the inverted color palette is easier on the eyes and reduces eye strain.
We’ve improved the software video conference experience within all Hub products. Now, if a meeting invite includes the AirConnect information and a video conference link, AirConnect allows you to join both from AirConnect.