ThinkHub xCanvas enables teams to leverage both touch and non-touch displays for interactive collaboration. Whether you need to visualize mass amounts of content and data or rapidly brainstorm and idea capture, ThinkHub xCanvas provides your team the ability to move all of your content from wall to wall and present content that engages your audience.
Displays can be touch or non-touch; non-touch displays must be controlled via tablet or dedicated in-room touch display.
Use touch gestures to ‘toss’ content from one display to another, or use a tablet or dedictated in-room display to control placement of content assets.
Once a content asset is dropped in the designated drop zone, the asset will snap into place at largest size and resolution.
Tap on any asset to view in full screen mode on its current display (full screen mode will not extend across the entire xCanvas).
So you can access all ThinkHub functionality no matter which screen you’re on.
This functions as a remote control whether you’re in the room or operating remotely; also use the T1V app to send notes, URLs, and files to the xCanvas.